Saturday, February 26, 2011

If You Are Willing: Vending Machines and Jesus

The gospel of Mark is fast-paced and thrilling and chapters 1-6 are filled with many healing miracles by Jesus. He heals, casts out demons and calms storms. Jesus had compassion on the people who were around him. But His mission was not of physical healing but of spiritual healing. In the gospels Jesus never denies someone who asks for physical healing, but he always turned down requests for a demonstration to amaze crowds and impress important people. His miracles show that His power came from heaven and the news of healing brought people to Him. And while he was glorified through His miracles sometimes people only came to him for his physical healing. Don't we do the same sometimes? It is as if we live in a vending machine world with Jesus. We insert our prayer requests into the slot and expect the answers to come out like we want. Or like a genie lamp, we say our requests as if we are rubbing a magical lamp and expect Jesus to pop out granting our wishes. Now we would never admit that in so many words, but what do our actions really reveal? What happens when God chooses not to heal or bring about our requests? What becomes of our faith then? Do we trust in God's plan and purpose for us? And if he does answer our prayers and bring healing, what is our response? Does it move us to deeper commitment and obedience? Or do we then take back charge of our lives and live in our own will?

In Mark 1:40-45 is the account of Jesus healing a leper. Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. Leprosy was an incurable, horrible disease. It was very contagious. It would cause deformities of the skin and extremities such as the fingers, toes, and nose. In the early stages of leprosy a person would experience much pain, but as the disease progressed, it would kill the nerve endings and many times the leper would scratch or hurt the affected area even more and not know it. A person with leporsy would be banned to an outside community of other lepers. It was a harsh life of extreme loneliness.

The leper comes to Jesus and says, "If you are willing, you can make me clean [healed]." What does this statement imply to you? For me, it tells me that he had complete faith in Jesus. He believed Jesus could completely heal him. So how deep does your faith run?

I would imagine this leper is desperate. Maybe he had been this way a for a long time. Maybe he wondered what kind of existence is this, one of no human contact, no touch, and no means of supporting himself. For him life was futile, pointless, wasted.

Have you been there?

In the storms of your life?

On the verge of surrendering hope or your convictions because you are weary of waiting, of facing adversity, of enduring trials?

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong... willing to endure.

I think the leper understood when he said, "If you are willing..." that all things work for God's will, His purpose, His glory. He knew Jesus could heal him. Now we don't know how the leper would have reacted if Jesus had not healed him, but let's ask ourselves, what is our response when God doesn't change the circumstances of our lives. What happens to our faith when God doesn't swoop down and change things and we find ourselves still facing the storm, still in the desert?

What is our response? Do we become bitter, disappointed and angry with God? Does fear take over?

How can we be stong and courageous when we are but flesh? When we feel we cannot go on? When we feel so weak and helpless? When by nature we are wimps?

Can you and I continue to praise God through the storms? When we can bring ourselves to praise God in the most difficult of circumstances we become strong and courageous in the Lord. We are able to be obedient to the Lord. We can obey because we BELIEVE.

We must go on convinced of God power, God's sovereignty, and God's faithfulness to His Word. We must continue no matter the obstacles, no matter the emotions. We must not compromise with unbelief, nor can we give up in the face of challenge and adverstity.

Psalm 7:17 I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 13:5-6 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.


  1. Here is a good post that goes along with this:

    Check it out, I never looked at it the way he put it, I like it though!

  2. Hey Pam, that was a good post, and oh so true. We can only handle it through the power of Jesus Christ.
